Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 3 & 4 at UNSWC 55

Special Briefing with Jane Hodges,
Director of the ILO Gender Bureau
Our last two days at the United Nations (UNSWC55 ) have been exciting, rewarding and empowering. More that 2000 delegates representing 27 countries from around the world are committed to working for change in education,training and technology for women and girls around the world.

This year's theme of "access and participation of women and girls in education, training, science and technology" calls for the promotion of  equal access to women's full employment and decent work, and highlights the necessity for women to be actively engaged in the process. Women need to know that the "door is open" and education and training are available to accelerate their progress. For this to happen we need political will, financial resources and action! And women must be at the table, lending their voices, their experiences and their unique perspectives to the debates and discussions taking place. Women must have the tools and training to make full equality a reality.

Yesterday started early with an orientation briefing by staff from the ITUC-PSI-EI for all trade union delegates from around the world. We heard from Jane Hodges, Director of the ILO Gender Bureau, selected parallel side events and ended our day with FAFIA representatives as delegates worked to prepare for the opening session of the United Nations CSW55.

Our access today was limited at the opening session due to ongoing construction, so delegates shared passes and attended parallel events. Parallel events included panels, documentaries, briefings and high level round tables providing delegates with opportunities to hear and share our best practices and develop responses to the many challenges that lay ahead. Parallel NGO events covered a host of issues including peace, climate challenges, dignity for domestic workers, Haitian women's fight against rape, women's access to full employment, decent work, engaging young women and building a women friendly state.

Solidarity Rally NYC
  Today the day ended in a show of international solidarity for Wisconsin public sector workers as delegates from the UNSWC55 joined with the NY labour movement in a vocal rally chanting "We are Wisconsin", leaving the rally with a commitment to fight collectively in solidarity with Wisconsin workers until the Republicans retreat...a wonderful finish to two incredible days!
                     Fighting back makes a difference!

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